
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Welcome to our blog

Welcome to the Disability Unit at Murray Bridge High School. Please join us and exchange your news and activities.


  1. Bonjour (Hi Guys),

    I have just viewed your blog and I am very impressed!!! I really enjoyed participating with you all in your dolphin cruise earlier this year and I look forward to working with you again next term. Chat soon.
    Coraline Chapperon, PhD Student in Marine Biology (Flinders University S.A.)

  2. Hi there to you all,
    What a fantastic blog you have created.
    You do some amazing things to really support your community and the world. Congratulations on such excellent enterprise.
    Thanks for the vegetables you gave me. They were really yummy and when I visit the school again I will purchase some more from you.
    Well done and I hope to see you all next term.
    Jenny Watts-Sampson
    NDCO Uni of SA

  3. Bonjour à tous les étudiants,

    Je suis très impressionnée par votre blog et par vos projets qui semblent tous être un véritable succès ! Je tiens en particulier à vous féliciter pour votre créativité en ce qui concerne les cartes que vous avez réalisées pour la période de Noël. J’ai eu la chance de vendre toutes ces cartes magnifiques aux gens de Chambéry (French Alps) qui ont été émerveillés par tous les détails et aussi toute l’attention portée a chacune de ces cartes. Un grand bravo et merci !
    Je joins à ce message une recette traditionnelle de crêpes (French crepe recipe) que vous aurez peut être l’opportunité de réaliser en classe pour la préparation de vos petits déjeuners.
    Pâte a crêpes pour 10 personnes :
    Ingrédients :
    - 250 g de farine ;
    - 4 œufs ;
    - ½ litre de lait ;
    - 1 pincée de sel ;
    - 1 cuillère à soupe de sucre ;
    - 1 cuillère à soupe d’huile pour la cuisson.
    - Déposer la farine dans un saladier ;
    - Ajouter les œufs, le sucre et la pincée de sel;
    - Verser le lait progressivement en remuant la pate avec un fouet pour éviter les grumeaux ;
    - Laisser reposer la pâte 30 minutes ;
    - Cuire les crêpes dans une poêle chaude avec un peu d’huile.
    Bon Appétit !


  4. Hello to everyone at the Regional Disability Unit and welcome to Miss Fawn.

  5. Hello everyone from the Regional Unit Murray Bridge, I suppose I should tell you who I am!! My name is Mary, I was lucky to spend a day with yo all Wednesday the 21st of September. I had a really nice day with you all, and when I see your school photo's I feel like I know you all now after just one day. Maybe that is because I was tuning in to the days events with my full attention? Anyway when I see all of you in the photo I feel a familiarity and warmth towards you all!! I took a while to log into the blog, as I have been so busy...I am saying hello know because I do need to honor your invitation B4 I forget. I am wishing you all the best with your work experiences and studies at school, as I know end of year assessments wont be far away. I am in the same boat as you all there, as I am also completing a year of full time studies. Take care all of you now wont you!!? in your holiday break/work experience or whatever capers you are up2. One day I would love to visit again...maybe I will get the chance? Anyway this was just a short note to register myself as a blogger,lol, really havent blogged as a regular thing as yet. I have assessments of my own to complete by next Tuesday(we are back at Uni then), so I cant yak all day, but thanks once again for having me for the day at your unit..ciao, mary, Oh, and P.S my mum LOVED the blue silk scarf I bought from your production line!!(a late birthday pressie) She wonders if the tastle's were put on after the dye process and I couldn't tell her,were they? she really really really did.

  6. Jambo, my name is Stephenson. Am the founder and manager Safe Haven Children's home in Kenya, Africa. It is a great news that you chosen to partner with us! This is awesome! I have gone through your blog and Facebook page what I have seen there is unbelievable, you have a great experience that we can learn from you! Your farm, kitchen school and your partnerships in giving to the needy in Africa amazes me. Our home stand to learn a lot from your emense experience in all areas I have seen
    My email address is

    1. Hi Stephenson
      Thank you - its great that we have a partnership with you in a most beautiful part of the world- the students are very excited and are looking forward to next term when we can Skype you and meet everyone. This is the last week of the term and we shall commence 2 weeks holiday on Friday. We should like to share your expertise as we are growing beans and corn next term. The students recycle at Monarto Zoo and profit raised enables 29 young people to enage in a whole day's education about conservation in Zambia - maybe we could do something like this with you?
      The studnets would like to send you a Greeting card that they have made and hopefully we can brainstorm lots of ways in which can connect and help in the near future. Please forward a photograph of everyone.
      We look forward to your next post.
      Kind Regards

  7. Hi Christine,
    Asante sana (thank you so much) for your reply. It is so good hearing from you. Our students look forward to our Skype with your students such a great opportunity to see each other and chat live!for so long I have been planting beans and corns because they help me with cutting costs with food. It is our staple food so I will love to give my expertise on the same. our students look forward to connecting and sharing a lot with you! It is our first experience. I will forward our pictures to your gmail account.
    Kind regards

  8. Hi Stephenson
    This is our last term at school for the year and we break for the holiday in 6 weeks. We are looking forward to your photos. Did I send you our YouTube Channel?
    Looking forward to hearning from you soon
    Best wishes

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The students and staff of the Inclusive Education Centre are proud to share with you their educational activities across the learning areas.

Dr Christine Roberts-Yates

Senior Leader /Manager

Murray Bridge High School Inclusive Education Centre.